Solo Exhibition
Group Exhibition
Other Event
・2.3 14:00- トークイベント コイズミアヤ『しくみの内側のしくみ』刊行記念トーク
・2.8 14:00- ラウンドテーブル「20050 Because 美工❤️」長岡造形大学 登壇
・2.3 只今ご注文品、3月以降の展覧会作品、新シリーズの制作中です
Takashi Tomii
Takashi Tomii's interest in woodworking was invoked during his one year stay in Vernonia, Oregon where forestry was the key industry. After coming back to Japan in 1995, he started to carve kitchen tools such as butter knives, spatulas, and spoons out of twigs he gathered at nearby hills. Although he dedicated himself to surface science experiments throughout his student years, he was inclined to cook and collect kitchenware, ceramics, and wooden tools and furniture. Gradually he started to dream of living by making wooden tableware, and finally in 2002 when he was 25, left the graduate school and entered the "Shinrin Takumi Juku" where he learned solid wood furniture making for 2 years. He then worked for Oak Village in Gifu, which was incorporated in 1974 and has devoted themselves in creating wooden interior products, furniture, buildings, and planting trees through their affiliated NPO, for nearly 4 years.
In 2008, Tomii moved to Shigaraki, Shiga and started creating wooden tableware for daily use in his workshop in Minamiyamashiro, Kyoto. After 7 years, He and his family moved to Nagaoka, Niigata in 2015. All of his pieces are hand tooled or turned on a lathe into very simple and beautiful shape.
Tomii lives with his wife, Miyuki who helps his work, two daughters and a son. They are enjoying their everyday lives surrounded by rich nature.
2004年 オークヴィレッジ株式会社に入社。様々なことを勉強させてもらう。
2008年 滋賀県甲賀市信楽町へ移住し、京都府相楽郡南山城村童仙房に工房を開設。この年、第6回暮らしの中の木の椅子展入選。
2009年 初個展。以後個展多数。
2012年 第86回国展にて新人賞受賞。
2015年 自宅と工房を新潟県長岡市小国町に移す。
2017年 第91回国展にて国画会準会員に推挙。
2019年 第93回国展にて準会員優作賞受賞。
2023年 国画会を退会。